Sunday, August 2, 2009

Stuff I Just Bought That Isn't New #1

Sometimes I buy music that isn't new. If I like it or dislike it, what am I supposed to do? I couldn't review it, could I? Well, yes. Yes I could. Right here. In my first edition of my new little segment thing, "Stuff I Just Bought That Isn't New". This opening edition is the Electronic Music Edition, as I've been purchasing a lot of electronic music recently.

First, there's the songs "11h30" by Danger and "Escape (Bloody Beetroots Remix)" by the Toxic Avenger. These tunes sound like some popular French techno like Justice and Daft Punk and sound amazing if you play them really, really loud. I also just recently bought some music by a techno band called Heartsrevolution. I am familiar with some of their other work, such as the first single they released, "C.Y.O.A.", and "The Prince and His Rose", the song that appeared on a Kitsune record label sampler. I bought the Dubka remix and the Chateau Marmont Remix of "Ultraviolence"...the Dubka remix reminds me of 80's metal, and the Chateau Marmont mix adds a nice beat and a new rythym section to the song, creating a very nice techno tune. I also purchased their "Switchblade" EP. The title track has a haunting but catchy chorus sung by the band's vocalist, Leyla Safai. That leads into the ubeat track "Wolves and Libertines", which may be my favorite track on the EP. The next is "Dance Till Dawn", which, I suppose, is the most clubby-sounding one. It was featured in the last season of the television show "Gossip Girl". The next song is "Digital Suicide", a slow, moody track that is proof that feeling exists even in the lyrics of shred electronic music. The last track is "Take It or Leave It", another suspect HR song, and a good way to finish off the EP. I recommend this band, as it is one of my favorite new techno bands right now.

On the player below, you can listen to "11h30", "Escape (Bloody Beetroots Remix)", "Ultraviolence (Chateau Marmont Remix)", "Switchblade" and "Wolves & Libertines".

Will out.

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